Menahga Police Department
The Menahga Police Department is located at the Menahga City Hall.
The department is comprised of 4 sworn officers: a Chief, 2 full-time patrol officers and 1 part-time patrol officer.
To file a report, call Wadena County Dispatch at 218-631-7600. You can also be transferred to dispatch by calling the Menahga City Hall and pressing option #1, for the police department.
If you see suspicious activity occurring, please report it to the police department immediately.
Menahga Police provide security checks for residents who are out of town. If you would like to be placed on a property watch list, please call with your address, dates and contact information for a key holder we can contact while you are away.
The Menahga Police Department does NOT handle permits to carry, permits to purchase or fingerprinting. Please contact the county where you reside to inquire about those services.
Chief Amy Lane can be reached by calling dispatch at 218-631-7600 or via email: amy.lane@wcmn.us
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